Educator Wellbeing: Practical solutions to Reset, Recharge and Recover (2020).



A complete, evidence based and practical program with quick and easy mindset and wellbeing tools to help busy, worn out people working in schools, to take charge of their wellbeing and get back on track. Written in 2020 based in Madhavi Nawana Parker’s 20 plus years working in schools and observing first hand, the unique challenges Educators face. Educator Wellbeing is a worldwide best seller and a whole staff approach to build cultures of Workplace Wellbeing.

Why this book? 

Anyone working in a school knows, there’s nothing quite like it. Spending the day with young minds under construction isn’t easy – it’s noble work – that can impact your wellbeing. Every school needs evidence-based tools for their staff to effectively reset, recharge and recover daily at a deeper level, to emerge with happiness and wellbeing that has a ripple effect on their students and their lives. This book is a super easy read that does just that.

What’s inside?

Chapter One: What the 2020 Global Pandemic highlighted about Educator Wellbeing.

Chapter Two: Resetting for healthy wellbeing.

Chapter Three: Recharging your wellbeing battery.

Chapter Four: A license to rest and recover.

Chapter Five: Where to from here? Making wellbeing comebacks, not wellbeing ‘go backs.’

Chapter 6: Stories of courage, hope and endurance: wellbeing during crisis and challenge.

Chapter 7: Where to now?

Who it’s for? 

Teachers, School Support Officers, Principals, School Counsellors, Administration, School Psychologists and anyone working in schools. Most wellbeing practices can easily be adapted for students. While written in context of schools, is also relevant for parents, health professionals and anyone wanting to improve their  wellbeing

Some schools use this to base their staff wellbeing strategic plan, providing all members of staff with a copy.