1. Introduction and getting started

In this curriculum:

Each section is one of the learning intentions.


The 5 principals for thriving are featured in each learning intention section.


How Thriving Minds works:

  • Your teacher will show short online clips in class to get you thinking about things that matter, like friendships, handling tough feelings and your wellbeing.
  • You will get time to talk about the clip with a partner or small group and sometimes on your own. There will be a chance to record your answers in your workbook. Writing things down strengthens your learning.
  • You might not need all the skills you learn right away (and you might already know some of them). By being prepared, you’ll have the skills waiting for when you need them. You won’t need to figure it all out on the spot, right in the middle of a problem.
  • It’s perfectly okay to ask to watch any of the clips again – sometimes it’s hard to remember everything from watching it just once.

So sit back, relax and get ready to thrive.

All the very best, always,
Madhavi Nawana Parker.


Any time you want to grow, develop and be successful in something new, remember how far you have already come. Most new things feel hard at first but with time, patience and practice you will master whatever your strong, healthy brain wants you to.

So now you know what it means to Thrive, you might be wondering why you need to thrive in the first place. Well, there’s a pretty simple answer to that too. When you thrive (grow, develop or be successful), life just works better. People who are thriving (growing, developing and being successful) have a lot more fun, feel mentally strong and much happier.

So what’s the opposite of Thriving? (Just to be sure this thriving business is useful). Are you ready for it? (It’s not great)

The opposite of Thriving is ‘withering, unsuccessful and declining (that means going backwards – a definition within a definition)!

So when you’re not thriving, you’re kind of stuck in the same place. You’re not growing and getting stronger and smarter, you’re just staying in the same place…

Now we don’t thrive all the time, all day long either. We need that slower pace, rest and a pause to take a break for a little while…

When we are mastering something but we’re not successful at it yet, we’re still thriving because we’re having a go.

And that’s really what this is all about. Having a go, trying new things, looking for solutions and always moving onwards and upwards in your life.

Ready to thrive? Let’s do this